[This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on the Occupations, Interventions, and Law (O.I.L.) Page. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide diverse depictions of O.I.L.-related topics. The pieces reflect the level of critical analysis and diversity that Jadaliyyastrives for, but the views are solely the ones of their authors. If you are interested in contributing to Jadaliyya, send us your post with your bio and a release form to post@jadaliyya.com (click "Submissions" on the main page for more information).]

The FBI’s War on Fake Terrorism, Erik Love
A critique of the FBI practice of recruiting undercover informants to listen for terror plots in Muslim communities.

A City-Sized Prison-House, Lori Allen
Allen summarizes the dismal living conditions in Gaza up to and during Operation Protective Edge.

Isolating Gaza, Ilana Feldman
Feldman provides an overview of Israeli restrictions of Palestinian movement in Gaza.

Joint Declaration by International Law Experts on Israel’s Gaza Offensive, Jadaliyya Reports
An open letter from a number of international law experts condemning the immorality and illegality of recent Israeli military action of Gaza.

Reporter Jon Snow on Gaza`s Children: Misery and Responsibility, Jadaliyya Reports
A news report on miserable conditions in Gaza in relation to children, from Channel Four News (UK)

Video: When Media Coverage Of Gaza And Israel Becomes The Story, Jadaliyya Reports
AJ+ Labs provides a three-minute video outlining American media coverage of the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked, Noura Erakat
In a piece originally published in The Nation, Jadaliyya co-Editor Erakat provides and responds critically to five common pro-Israeli arguments regarding the assault on Gaza.

Statement by Palestinian Academics, Public Figures, and Activists in Gaza: No Ceasefire Without Justice, Jadaliyya Reports
A press release from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.

Video: Gaza—Is This a War on Children?, Jadaliyya Reports
A news report on hospitals in Gaza attacked by Israeli air strikes from Channel Four News (UK)

Press Release: From Tel Aviv to Toronto, Los Angeles to London, Chicago to San Francisco, Jews Say No to Israeli Genocide, Jadaliyya Reports
A report from the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

The Palestinian Resistance and Its Enemies, Tariq Dana
Anti-Hamas propaganda discourse from some supporters of the Palestinian struggle attics "the concept of resistance itself" more than Hamas as an organization, writes Dana in a piece originally published by Jacobin.

Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Debates the Tactics and Ethics of Warfare on PBS Newshour, Jadaliyya Reports
Jadaliyya co-Editor Noura Erakat appears on PBS Newshour.

O.I.L. Media Roundup (24 July), O.I.L. Editors
A compendium of news articles and other materials circulating on Occupation, Intervention and Law. 

A Debate on Gaza: Democracy Now! Interviews Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada and. J.J. Goldberg of the Jewish Daily Forward, Jadaliyya Reports
Democracy Now! hosts Ali Abunimah and J.J. Goldberg, of Electronic Intifada and Jewish Daily Forward, respectively, for a debate on Israeli attacks on Gaza. 

Israel Mows the Lawn, Mouin Rabbani
Jadaliyya co-Editor analyzes the latest Israeli bombardment of Gaza for London Review of Books.

Video: US Aid to Israel - The Real Deal, Jadaliyya Reports
AJ+ Labs provides a three-minute video outlining the role of American financial support of Israel in the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Petition: Nobel Peace Laureates and Celebrities Call for Military Embargo on Israel, Jadaliyya Reports
An open letter posted by the BDS Movement.

HRW Whitewashes Israel, The Law Supports Hamas: Some Reflections on Israel’s Latest Massacre, Norman G. Finkelstein
Norman Finkelstein attacks the assertion of Human Rights Watch that international law unambiguously condemns Hamas` rocket reprisals against Israel.

Press Release: UNRWA Commissioner-General Press Briefing on the Situation in Gaza Strip, Jadaliyya Reports
A press release issued by the Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Pierre Krähenbühl, on 14 July 2014.

HRW Improves Position on Gaza/Israel, Calls for Suspension of Some US Arms to Israel, Helena Cobban
Cobban provides an update of the position of Human Rights Watch on Operation Protective Edge.

Egypt`s Response To The Israeli Assault On Gaza: An Interview With Hossam El-Hamalawy, Bassam Haddad
Jadaliyya co-Editor Bassam Haddad interviews Hossam El-Hamalawy on the response of the government of al-Sisi to Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

كم نكبة عاشها فلسطينيو سيناء؟ الجزء الثاني, Ismail Alexandrani
Alexandrani discusses the plight of Palestinian living in Sinai.

Did Israel Spark Violence to Prevent "Peace Offensive"?: Democracy Now! Interview with Mouin Rabbani and Norman Finkelstein, Jadaliyya Interview
Jadaliyya co-Editor Mouin Rabbani appears on Democracy Now with Norman Finkelstein.

 الاقتصاد الأخلاقي للاستعمار الاستيطاني: إسرائيل و"الصدمة النفسية للإخلاء", Nicola Perugini
Jadaliyya provides an Arabic translation of "The Moral Economy of Settler Colonialism: Israel and the `Evacuation Trauma`"

FAQ on Failed Effort to Arrange Ceasefire Between Israel and Hamas, Noura Erakat, Rashid Khalidi, and Mouin Rabbani
A FAQ on Israeli-Hamas relations originally published by Institute for Middle East Understanding.

Solidarity with Guantanamo Bay & Palestine: An Open Letter Calling on the Boycott of the White House Iftar, Jadaliyya Reports
An open letter originally published by the Falling Walls Initiative.

Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Debates Whether Diplomacy Can End the Conflct in Gaza on Al Jazeera English’s “Inside Story”, Noura Erakat
Jadaliyya co-Editor Noura appears on Al Jazeera English`s "Inside Story."

وقف العدوان لا يكفي, Hani Masri
Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip is designed to deal a serious blow to Palestinian resistance, writes Masri.

Is Gaza Still Occupied and Why Does It Matter?, Lisa Hajjar
In view of Israel`s assertions that it has not occupied the Gaza Strip since 2005, Jadaliyya re-posts an analysis of this claim authored by Lisa Hajjar, initially published in 2012.

Colonial Experiments in Gaza, Samera Esmeir
In view of Israel`s assertions that its current attacks on the Gaza Strip are an exercise in legitimate self-defense, Jadaliyya re-posts an analysis Israel’s attacks on Gaza authored by Samera Esmeir initially published in 2012.

تحت الرادار العلاقات الاقتصادية الإسرائيلية ــ الفلسطينية, Raja Khalidi
Jadaliyya reposts analysis from Assafir al Arabi. 

HRW`s Pro-Israel Partisanship on `Protective Edge`, Helena Cobban
Cobban analyzes the pro-Israeli slant of Human Rights Watch`s coverage of Operation Protective Edge for Just World News.

Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat “Debates” Senior Advisor to Israeli Ambassador on Democracy Now!, Jadaliyya Reports
Jadaliyya co-Editor Noura Erakat appears on Democracy Now! to debate Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip.

Nobel Peace Laureates Slam Human Rights Watch`s Ken Roth for Refusal to Cut Ties to U.S. Government, Jadaliyya Reports
An open letter to Human Rights Watch from two Nobel Prize Laureates and over one hundred scholars, journalists and human rights activists.

Human Rights Watch Goes to War, Mouin Rabbani
In view of the growing controversy about HRW`s role and positions, Jadaliyya is re-posting this 2009 analysis of HRW`s response to Israel`s 2008-2009 assault on the Gaza Strip by Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani, originally published on Normanfinkelstein.com

Mouin Rabbani Appears on Russia Today`s Cross Talk, O.I.L. Editors
Jadaliyya co-Editor Mouin Rabbani appears on Russia Today`s Cross Talk, along with Dan Arbell and Norman Finkelstein.

No, Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory, Noura Erakat
In view of Israel`s assertions that its current attacks on the Gaza Strip are an exercise in legitimate self-defense, Jadaliyya re-posts an analysis of this claim by Co-Editor Noura Erakat initially published in 2012.

An Institutionalized Disregard for Palestinian Life, Mouin Rabbani
Jadaliyya co-Editor Mouin Rabbani contrasts the global condemnation of the three Israeli youths killed in the West Bank with the relative "cold shoulder" extended to Palestinian children slayed by Israel.

O.I.L. Media Roundup (10 July), O.I.L. Editors
A compendium of news articles and other materials circulating on Occupation, Intervention and Law. 

Call for Contributions: Translation and the Many Languages of Resistance, Cairo, March 2015, Jadaliyya Reports
A call for contributions to a conference on Translation to be held in Cairo, 6-8 March 2015.

What History Books for Children in Palestinian Camps?, Rosemary Sayigh
Sayigh explores the lack of education on Palestinian history. 

Letter Concerning LA City Council Threats to Student Free Speech, Committee on Academic Freedom (MESA)
An open letter issued by the Committee on Academic Freedom of the Middle Eastern Studies Association.

Israeli Police Brutally Beat Palestinian-American Youth, Jadaliyya Reports
A press release issued by friends and family members of Tarek Abu Khadeir, a Palestinian-American youth beaten by Israeli police during Operation Brother`s Keeper.

Israel and the Palestinian Territories Lonely Planet: Systematic Erasure and Casual Racism, Alex Shams
Lonely Planet`s guidebook of Israel and Palestine erases Palestinian experiences of Israeli occupation, writes Shames.

The Beginning of the End of Palestinian Security Coordination with Israel?, Tariq Dana
Dana discusses Palestinian criticism of Palestinian Authority integration of its security sector with that of Israel.

Video: Israeli Settlements Explained, Jadaliyya Reports
AJ+ Labs provides a three-minute video outlining the role of Israeli settlements in the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat Responds to Israeli General Consul Regarding Operation Brother’s Keeper On Al Jazeera America, Jadaliyya Reports
Al Jazeera America interview Jadaliyya co-Editor Noura Erakat and the Israeli General-Consul on Israeli Operation Brother`s Keeper.

The Moral Economy of Settler Colonialism: Israel and the “Evacuation Trauma”, Nicola Perugini
Perugini analyzes Israeli evacuations from Gaza in 2005 and Sinai in 1982 to articulate how trauma re-legitimizes settler colonialism.